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Empowering Marathon Runners To Fulfill Their True Desires, In Both Running And Life


Discover What You Need To Work On To Achieve Marathon Success

Find out by answering 30 quickfire questions contained in the Marathon Success Scorecard.

Just 3 minutes of your time invested now and you could save yourself years of struggles by finding out EXACTLY what you need to work on ahead of your next marathon.

Ways To Work With Move Better Run Better

Marathon Peak Performance Program

Run Strong / Think Strong Program

Marathon 2024 – Preparation Day

Stay Focused For Runners Masterclass

John & Lilly

Meet John and Lilly.

John Beattie – After a long career as an elite runner (Including achieving 2.16 at London Marathon), John has since coached hundreds of marathon runners to smash PBs and achieve things they previously thought beyond them.

Lilly Adkins – Through her own experiences of overcoming serious injuries including hip surgery and 15-pins and 2 plates in her ankle, she used Strength and Conditioning to prove the doctors wrong and to still be able to continue to run pain free. This inspired Lilly to become a S&C coach and she has since helped hundreds of runners to avoid and overcome injuries as head S&C coach at Move Better Run Better.


How likely are you to achieve a PB at your next marathon?

Find out by answering 30 quickfire questions contained in the Marathon PB Scorecard.

Just 3 minutes of your time invested now and you could save yourself years of struggles by finding out EXACTLY what you need to work on ahead of your next marathon.

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